Monday, February 7, 2011

Je veux le chocolat!

(I want the chocolate)

As I mentioned I have been working at the the Rosetta Stone for several months now, and tonight I started Unit Quatre (4) Shopping, exciting, I know.  What I found note worthy about this lesson were the things they suggested you buy.  Sure there were the standards fruit, vegetables, a coat, but then there was chocolat, gateau (cake), des vetements (clothes), and bioux (jewelry).  Now I am sure I don't have to tell you of our proximity to the holiday that exemplifies these very items.  If I do need to tell you, then you sir (as I am sure no female is confused right now) still have time to pick up a Valentine's card before it is too late.  Returning to the point, I think this was Rosetta Stone's Valentine's gift to me, so I could request the things I want in two languages, as those four things cover everything I could want.

Other helpful tid bit I now know how to ask directions to the boulangerie.  One step closer to that morning croissant!

I have decided to caption a random picture with each entry.  I am guessing this one will be pretty easy to decipher even if you don't know french.

Le chien est sur le lit.

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