Daniel was able to spend a couple of jours et moi cette semaine (days with me this week). Yesterday nous allés (we went) to the beach and took le chien (the dog). Daniel achetent (bought) a jeep in l'hiver (the winter) and has been dying to take it for a good drive and the beach was just his excuse. And what is the point of driving a jeep if you don't take the top off so we drove the hour down and the hour back with the voiture (car) completely open. Fun but extremely breezy. Le chien was funny as she very much enjoyed the beach, the people, the smells, but oddly enough scarred of l'eau (water). Not really l'eau so much as the waves. I would like to point we were not standing calf deep in l'eau, nous n'avons pas même nos orteils (we didn't even have our toes) covered. Elle (she) could stand in the l'eau but as soon as the first inch high wave came rolling toward her, she ran up the beach.
As fair complexion as I am, and for those of you who know me know you don't get any plus blanc (more white) than me, j'aime m'asseoir au soleil ( I love to sit in the sun). After being on the beach for trois (three) hours and the added deux hours in the open top voiture, I felt as burned as the couple of spots on my shoulders that did not get any sun screen. Which are bright rogue (red). Every since j'étais un enfant ( I was a child) I have started to burn the moment I step out in the soleil. I am going to try to get out to the beach at least one more time before I leave South Carolina.
Trip Update:
Nous (we) believe we have figured out a way to fly entirely on frequent flyer miles. Nous have been chipping away at acquiring enough miles on Delta and have been taking advantage of every odd offer to sign up for dinner clubs, to requesting Alaska vacation information, and taking online survays. In order to pick up a 100 miles here and 500 miles there. As well as plenty of other things. We were doing fairly well but were worried about actually making our 120,000 miles in time. We have now completely switched gears ... British Airways .... tah dah. Daniel has been following a blog call Frugal Travel Guy which in addition to giving lots of advice to maximize your travel argent (money) also post cartes de crédit (credit cards) offering big milage deals. British Airways will give us enough points for deux billets (two tickets) round trip for using their card. How easy it is to actually book the flight will be a whole other story I am sure, but currently very excited.
Tonight's Picture:
One from the last show I designed
La fille dans la robe bleu est et avec ses parents.
Pervious Picture:
My dog sits in judgment of you.
It is ok she sits in judgement of moi as well.
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