Friday, April 28, 2017

Nous reviendrons!

We are going Back!

I miss Paris, not every hour or even every day, but I miss Paris and the way every day was an adventure.  Many days were stressful and I failed several times and failed at very small things, the two that come to mind were both centered around an inability to order my food.  I live in Boulder, CO with is a wonderful, wonderful little town.  We make the top 10 list for many things mostly centered around outdoor sports.  We have been in love with Boulder for coming up on nine years and moved here four years ago.  It only took 9 months in Connecticut to know it just wasn't going to work for us.  And we do love it  here, but it is a bit like finally dating that guy you have had a crush on for a year.  He really is cute and sweet and a great boyfriend, but he still isn't perfect and he leaves his clothes on the floor and never unloads the dishwasher and you start to wonder to yourself if the cute guy you had that summer fling with years ago would bring you coffee in bed the rest of your life. I am sure he actually wouldn't.   The trouble with living someplace you use to vacation is living takes work and vacationing takes less. I am so happy to be here and have even had to make some hard choices to stay in Boulder AND have found the most excellent croissant bakery.  I would tell you their name, but much like Boulder too many people already know about it and it is already too busy for my liking.

Sometimes Daniel and I go out to dinner at one of the french restaurants in town and normally half way through a bottle of wine we are deep into a memory and still can't believe the summer even happened.  And by the end of the bottle of wine I taking about how we should already be buying plane tickets.

BUT WE ARE GOING BACK! I am so excited. My french is très mal at this point, actually that may be being generous. My french my be nonexistent at this point. So I have dusted off the pimsler audio cds and they are living in the car at this point. Sadly Rosetta Stone is downloaded onto my old computer which is more useful as a brick than a computer at point.  And the new computer doesn't have a CD drive and I am debating the short term subscription of the new online rosetta stone  things are maybe not progressing as they should.  I also know that how well I can use the language will directly impact the fun of the trip.

Daniel got to go back for two nights two years ago, a job interview that could have resulted in our move to a town an hour out of Paris.  It didn't work out which was disappointing but probably for the best, our daughter was less than a year old and the time wasn't great.  Though I was so jealous of Daniel wondering around our old neighborhood and grabbing dinner on a sidewalk cafe.

The trip is less than two months away and did I mention I was EXCITED!

Même le bébé aimes les croissants

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