Ensuite beaucoup d'heures et de semaines (after many hours and weeks) of searching we have booked our apartment! This was hardly a facile (easy) process envolving spread sheets, rounds of rating, rescanning websites ever other jour (day), countless trimming sessions, to only lose deux (two) apartments ensuite (after) having settled on them to people with faster depositits. Sure the process started out lots of fun but let moi vous di (me tell you), as anyone who as apartment shopped online knows, they all look the same eprès les trente premiers (after the first thirty). At one time I believe there was cinquante - cinq (55) options to be considered. Je (I) would like to say it was just cutting form there, mais (but) there was not a round of cuts that didn't included the addition of deux ou trois (two or three) more options.
As nous (we) were getting down to a half dozen options nous started giving them nicknames so it was easy to keep them straight. There was divan vert, moderne, et (green couch, modern, and) southwestern. Très (very) odd to find a southwestern themed appartement in Paris, mais je veux un (but I want a) paris themed apartment in North Carolina, so je guess not all that weird. Back to the point, the nickname of the apartment we are renting, Très Petit Cuisine (Tiny Kitchen). Actually the translation is "very little kitchen", je ne sais pas (I don't know) tiny.
Le appartement est très petit cuisine (The apartment is tiny kitchen) as tu (you) can see from the pictures, there isn't much of a cuisine (kitchen) just un table, un évier (a sink), et deux (and two) burners. Which means un été sans (a summer without) baking. Mais qui (But who) really needs to bake when tu as (you have) a french boulangerie (bakery) down la rue (the road). Il a (it has) the most amazing view, though sadly no balcony. Un grand (a big) plus is a pull out couch for all of our visitors.
Ici est nous petit cuisine. (This is our tiny kitchen) Ils y a deux (It has two) burners et no oven or toaster oven. Lack of oven seemed to be fairly standard in parisian apartments but lack of even a toaster oven will be an adventure.
This is nous salle de séjour (our living room). Tu (you) can see la chaise et table (la chair and table) (from the kitchen photo) for size reference. Il y a un chambra (There is a bedroom) separate from the living room, il ne pas (just not) photo worthy.
Et c'est le vue de la salle de séjour. (And this is the view from the living room) Such shame there is no balcony et un douce vue (but a sweet view).
Can't wait to post mon (my) own pictures of it!
Tonight's Picture:
Cette cuisine ne fera pas des croissants.
Previous Picture:
The man's house floats up in the sky.