Mois et Mois (Months and months) of mile collecting has finally paid off, or at least half paid off. Nous (We) have booked nos billets á Paris (our tickets to)! Only our billets to Paris the website did not have flights scheduled pour Août (for August) next année (year) yet. Though je suis ( I am) less worried about the vol maison (flight home) than le vol to Paris. Je wish je could say that booking le vol was easy after all the pain of accumulating miles, but of course ce n'est pas (that is not) the way. Quand nous (when we) decided to book notre vol la nuit derniére (our flight last night) nous hoped to be celebrate with a tasse de vin (glass of wine) at the end. By the time nous were done weighing our different airlines , comparing the different miles rewards specials running, picking the exact date, which airport to fly from, comparing different seat sizes on planes, realizing we had lit (read) the website wrong and throwing out the last heure de travail (hour of work) and starting over nous étions fatigués (we were tired) and were more than a little snippy with each other... so no vin last nuit (night).
For the important part:
We are flying out of Atlanta, GA on vingt juin (June 20th) on British Airlines .... Business Class!
So la premiére question (the first question) tu (you) may be asking is why Atlanta, GA as we live in North Carolina and n'y a pas il (isn't there) a international aéroport just un heure trente minutes (1 1/2 hours) away? Because British Airways only lets you use your frequent miles in un petit (a small) list of aéroports in the USA. Nous n'avons pas su ceci (we did not know this) quand nous (when we) signed up for notre (your) BA carte de credit (credit card). No problem, Atlanta is only cinq heures (5 hours) away et Daniel has cousins that live there and hopeful will drive us to la aéroport then watch our Jeep for the été (summer).
Duexmiére question (second) why schedule it pour l'anniversaire de Daniel's (Daniel's birthday) because everyone wants to spend their anniversaire stuck in a plane with deux cien (200) strangers pour neuf heures (four 9 hours)? This is a longer answer.
About cinq semaines (5 weeks) ago ma soeur (my sister) got engaged and elle (she) hopes to be married next Juin (June). Since ils (they) just got engaged they haven't exactly booked venues so ils doesn't have a firm date. While it would have been nice to book notre billets (our tickets) once we had exact dates, miles seats were running out so we took an educated stab at a fly date. Luckily BA allows you to change your vol (flight) without much penalties if we need to, hard to say how much a headache it actually would be.
Side note: One of their deux (two) best dates is our cinquiéme anniversaire de mariage (fifth anniversary) et nous volerions (we would fly) quatre jours (four days) later so it would be like taking our honeymoon all over again.
Last question may be Business Class seems awful cushy doesn't it ... oui il est (yes it is)... do tu (you) really have that many miles? Oui et Non (yes and no).
We will be blowing all our BA miles flying to Paris and then will fly home on Delta miles (most likely coach). BA has this crazy essence (gas) tax so you are paying about tres cien (300) dollars in taxes on each vol, et le essence (and the gas) tax is the same price no matter which class you are flying. So we decided to just unload all the miles flying in in style and pay considerably smaller taxes on the return flight with Delta. After nous (we) book our return flight je will be out of miles but there will be enough time to build up miles before nous do another trip this grande.
Side Note: Since the US Government can't collect flight taxes at the moment international Delta flights have taxes for like 5 dollars.
Morale del'histoire (Moral of the story):
Flight is booked! Email conformation sent! Freaking out about how trés petite français je sais (very little french I know) started!
Tonight's Picture:
Cette fille va á Paris!
Pervious Picture:
The lamp is made of paper flower and I want.