Friday, March 25, 2011

Naissance de fromage

(Birth of a Cheese)

For those of you (vous) that actually parlez français (speak french) may have been wondering why je (I) choose the name of my blog, even if vous haven't been wondering je will tell vous.  Mon Petit Fromage translates to My Little Cheese and means exactly that, no it is not un (one) of those things that just translates poorly.  Those of vous that know me are use to my occasional odd sense of humor, but je ne suis pas (I am not) the creator of this title.  Mon mari parle français (my husband speaks french), he is not quite fluent but can get around on it in France.  Back when nous (we) were dating I was feeling a bit romantic and in that silly fille (girl) way I wanted him to say something Français to me and he called me his little cheese in the sweetest of voices.  I as most people who don't parle français can figure out Petit and Fromage and while I did not feel properly woed I did laugh.  An odd sense of humor is obvious something nous share.  But the choice of the blog? Dans ma maison (In my home) "Mon Petit Fromage" is a term of endearment as well as the first français je learned, so how better to entitle my quest to learn french with first bit of french I learned.

While my last entry asked for photo submissions, I have not had any response, and in fact may be my poorest received entry every.  Je sais (I know) this because I check the view stats in that sad obsessive way, but I am cool with the person je suis (I am).  So until i receive a photo submission je suis just going  to photograph ce qui est prés (0whatever is near me).  Unfortunately I left my cable for my téléphone portable á la maison (cell at home) so vous get this:

Tonight's Picture:

Les petits chats sont dans la tasse grande.

Pervious Picture:

They listen to the concert outside.

This was a band called Metal Shakespeare, all their songs are created from Shakespeare's plays and the dress in Elizabethan clothes while they rock.  Soo much fun.

Wednesday, March 23, 2011


(The English Language)

In learning a new language it makes tu (you) very aware of your own.  Je (I) have started noticing all the oddities of language tu just happen to learn not from étude (studying) but just vie (living) in the language.
Start écoutez (listening) to the l'anglais (english) especially phrases you have always used but never thought about the individual words that make it up.  "Some way, shape or form" it is awfully repudiative isn't, these things are no so weird until you are piecing them together word by word.  How does a language program enseignez (teach) you "rolling with the hommies""roulement avec les habitants à la maison" some how I bet it does not translate.

Will je be able to be sarcastic en français?  Je ne sais pas si je sais ( I don't know if I know) how to interact with people if I can not be sarcastic or silly.  Hope level cinq (5) covers early 90's slang and snide wording.  Because ils sont français (they are french) will ils even notice I am being sarcastic?  Despite being dans l'amour (in love) with the pays (country) I can still make fun of it.

Done with the reflective. I brought a costume maison (home) but forgot to bring the instructions with it.  Instead of getting ahead in my show I am behind on I baked cookies and frenched.

So je  am willing to admit the picture captioning part of the blog is probably silly.  Je am trying to use it as another tool to practice words or phrases that may not come up in casual typing.  Sometimes I have trouble coming up with a picture ideas, je tend to let my limited vocabulary pick my pictures.  I would like to ask for photo suggestions.  Still tied to my limited vocabulary I will try to captain as accurately or creatively as I can, given what I have.  Ensuite un est sur vous  (So next one is on you).

Tonight's Picture:

Ils regardent le concert l'extérieur. 

Pervious Picture:

The brown toy and the purple flowers.

Daniel got those for me on our anniversary last ans (year).

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Printemps Vacances

(Spring Break)

J'ai vingt-sept ans ( I am 27) and yet still manage to have a printemps vacances (spring break, well literally it is spring vacation but I think I got the idea across).  I now understand the attraction to the dark side of educational théâtre plus et plus (more and more).  How have I been spending this possible last glimmer of spring break heaven, being as boring as I can manage.

After deux (2) conferences, a lazy few jours (days) sounded nice.   Mon mar et moi ont regardé la télévision et ont joué sur les ordinateurs. (My husband and I have watched television and played on our computers).  While this relaxation has been très bon I have done a few productive things.  I have been propre ma maison (cleaning my house), mon chien (my dog) likes to keep the place as furry as possible.  Those of you who saw her picture in an earlier post, let alone know her in person, will understand.  I also managed to start travail (work) on a costume for my upcoming show.  It is a children's théâtre piece so I am making a bleu kimono ( I assume the word is the same in french). Once the show is done I may even post some pictures. Enfants (children) shows always have great pictures.

Daniel woke up malade Mardi (sick Tuesday) so this has slowed productivity a bit.  Currently, je ne suis  pas malade (I am not sick) and we are hoping it stays that way.  He has almost completely lost his voice and is a few jours (days) from tech semaine (week).  So here is hoping it is short lived.  I am looking on the bright side and am happy to finally get to use malade which is a word I have known for awhile.

Français Progress:

  • Have not frenched in over a semaine or deux.  
  • Acheté una livre (Bought a book) of fables in both Français et Anglais. ( Waiting for Godot was my other bilingual choice, yea I think I made the right choice too)
  • Daniel and I have started parler (speaking) Français a bit at home.

Tonight's Picture:
Le jouet marron et la fleurs violet.

Previous Picture :
The woman has the smallest dog.

I would like to point out that is not a puppy but a near full grown dog.

Monday, March 14, 2011

Je Vous Manqué

(I have missed you)

Life has been a bit busy lately.  It has been conference season in the theatre realm so I have been running around for that. Une conference was Atlanta, Georgia which I took mes (my) students to.  J'enseigne a l'université (I teach at a university) is a petite town in South Carolina.  I needed to conduis (drive) down in the van with the students, which was fun and loud.  That was deux samedis (two weeks) ago, this past samedi I was in Charlotte North Carolina at a strictly technical théâtre conference. Je préfère ça (I prefer) this conference quite a bit, there are so many bon (good) workshops to go to.  These conferences also give me a chance to catch up with mon amines (my friends) I have not seen in ans (years).

Currently I am at home on my printemps (spring) break.  I have plenty to do this samedi with catching up on work for the ever approaching end of the semester but hopefully this relaxed schedule will allow me to refocus on étudié français (studying french).

Fun Note: I have noticed my spell check can tell when I spell a french word wrong but never has a guess for how to spell it correctly.

More Trip update: nous (we) have enough for un round trip ticket ! At some point I will list the random things we are doing to accumulate points.

Tonight's Picture:
La femme a le plus petit chien

A bon amine (good friend) of mine who I hope doesn't mind her cameo

Pervious Picture: It's winter for the tree.